The Building Science Trust Inc.
Experience, skill and integrity for your building, and energy projects.
Fees and Services
For Residential Houses up to 3,500 Sq. Ft. contact us for quotes for larger buildings.
*NRCan Energy Audit - $650.00- A standardized report that estimates annual energy usage and GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions for a house and suggests energy conservation measures and their impacts on energy consumption. Residential House Fees range depending on the NRCan Service Organization but generally are about $600.00 for the initial visit and $300 for the follow-up visit. These open up a $40,000.00 NRCan interest free loan for eligible upgrades. In Ottawa an additional $125,000 low interest loan is available for eligible measures.
* Path to Net Zero Planning Report - $250.00 (requires an NRCAN Energy Audit). The Path to Net Zero Planning Report takes the results from a Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) energy audit for houses and further:
- estimates the energy savings by recommended measure in dollars ($)
- estimates the costs of the recommended measures in dollars ($)
- estimates a simple payback by measure in years
- estimates the reduction in Green House Gases by measure in kG/year
- advises a preferred year to do each measure to maximize the value of existing equipment
* Fuel Transition Study (or what is the best fuel for your house or location) - $750.00. Certain houses have high levels of solar shading and lack other renewable site generation. This study provides insight into what fuels to pursue in that case.
- similar process to the Net Zero Study (initial NRCan energy audit, financial analysis, GHG analysis, insights into sustainability, health and safety)
* Infrared Survey and Report - $350.00 Areas of poor insulation or air infiltration leave traces of cold spots in a building envelop in cold weather. A survey of a building using an infrared camera in conjunction with a blower door to induce air infiltration identifies and documents these spots (note - weather dependent).
- we offer a site survey and report identifying these areas, possible remediation options and a list of contractors who are prepared to remediate these problem spots.
* Utility and Capital Cost Comparisons between four heat pump models - $250.00 Cold climate, traditional, HSPF, SEER, cut off temperature, short cycling, humidity control, efficiency. What do all these terms mean? Which are important?
- we offer a report for clients who are interested in an explanation of these concepts, and provide an analysis and summary of the initial costs and impact on the annual and lifecycle utility costs for up to 4 different heat pump models (the client supplies the make and model details).
* Blower Door Testing and Report - $350.00 House energy audits often offer blower door tests ( a test to determine how "leaky" the building is) to estimate the annual energy consumption due to air infiltration into the building.
- we offer a blower door test (installation of a fan in an otherwise sealed building that measures and quantifies annual natural and mechanical air infiltration to the building in a year) and report.
* New House Net Zero Design - $950.00 We review your construction plans, and determine the economical upgrades required to make the house Net Zero (i.e. generates as much power in the year as it uses.
Energy Efficiency Tips and Standards
Keeping The Heat In - Section 4 Comprehensive air leakage control in your home
Keeping The Heat In - Section 6 Basement insulation, floors, walls and crawl spaces
Residential Solar Pool Heating Systems - A Buyer's Guide (2001 NRCan Publication)
Smart Net Alliance - Home Retrofit Webinar Series
Is Ice or Condensate on Windows a Problem?
What are the Benefits of Low E Windows?
4 Misconceptions About Low E Windows
Why and When to Use Insulating Blinds?
* Energy Conservation Plan - $250.00 We do a site review of house, photograph equipment, components and document the ages and condition and prepare a report suggesting remaining age, improvements and approximate replacement dates (plan without the detailed financial reports).